Chor Lau Heung’s subconscious thoughts as he
drifted into and out of comma after the fight with Yat Dim Hung, and also his
musing on the events before and after he took a wrong medication in eps 11
(click here for the summary of all episodes). Particularly inspired by the way Chor
tai-gor reached for Siu Ching when he had the heart attack. Chor Lau Heung 1984 is the property of Gu Long and TVB HK. This fanfiction is
dedicated to Michael Miu Kiu Wai and Barbara Yung Mei Ling. I own nothing but
my love to them and this series. Click this to read this fan-fiction at my
new Jianghu blog.
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Chor tai-gor had a heart failure due to wrong medication, ep 11 |
The annoying but
lovely girl
Lau Heung tried to raise his chi to balance the storm of energy within his
chest. The imbalance was too great though; the internal storm attacked him
back, causing him to double over coughing. He gasped as he felt a greater pain
piercing his chest from within. One of his hands grabbed his chest as the other
hand reached forward towards the people around him. His adopted sisters and a
girl wearing a pearly white dress he successfully saved earlier. Siu Ching...
hands reached hers as she called his name in panic. He couldn't respond, but he
desperately needed to hold onto her hands as an anchor. He felt his chi
slipping away and he needed her to ground him, thus he felt a tiny flush of
relief as her small hands firmly holding onto him. He coughed again and then
heard the commotions around him. Yung Yung's and Tim Yi's voice, then Siu Ching
saying something about giving him a pill. Then he felt someone opening his
mouth and force-fed him the pill. He automatically swallowed it, hoping for the
chance. A few seconds after the pill dissolved into his throat, he felt as if
inferno exploded inside his chest. In his heart. The turbulent chi inside his
chest burst in a spectrum of internal conflicting energies, causing raging fire
within. He gasped and coughed blood before the world around him swirled into a
vortex that took him away. The last thing he remembered was hands holding him
in panic and the
girls screaming "Chor tai-gor!".
wildfire inside his chest still danced the dance of death when his chi somehow
managed to stabilise slightly. He felt like swimming in a raging oceanic fire, his
hands reaching upwards in a desperate attempt to surface. Some voice was
filtered into his subconscious. The girls. Yung Yung, Tim Yee, and Rosie...
he remembered. The pill. Siu Ching had told Yung Yung to feed him the pill. She
might have force-fed him the pill herself. Then the inferno in his heart.
It wasn't her
fault... She didn't know...
helped him to sit down as Rosie saved his life by channelling her inner power
to him, thus lending him some desperately needed chi for a while. He then struggled
to answer Rosie's question on his condition. "My heart... is burning..."
he struggled to say that. Then he felt some girls laid him back on the bed. Now
they were blaming someone. Siu
Ching. She didn’t know it would back fire...
difficulty, he whispered for them to stop fighting. He couldn't even say it the
first time he tried, so he tried harder. "Stop it..."
girls stopped fighting. Infernal pain in his chest wrecked his body again
before he managed to say that they should take him to see Dr Cheong, for only
the great doctor could save his life now. He then heard Rosie ordering Sugar to
prepare the carriage and Siu Ching begging to go with them. As Rosie denied her
that option, the other girl was adamant that she should be permitted to join to
prove her innocence. He wanted to tell them it was okay for her to go with them, yet
darkness claimed him once more.
could tell when one was at the hands of the expert. For Chor Lau Heung, he
could tell this from his burning heart that started to calm down. Perhaps it was the pungent smell of herbs at Dr Cheong's place. Perhaps it was also the
Doctor’s cool touch as he examined his pulse. But somehow he knew something
else also soothed him. It was when he struggled to open his eyes to greet the
kind doctor when he saw a blur of a crying girl in white. Siu Ching... So she is here...they let her
slipped away into his burning cloud again, still trying to keep his head on the
surface, with more faith this time. He heard vague conversations about the pill
again, Siu Ching saying something, the girls' retort, and Dr Cheong's calming
voice. He then felt another pill sliding down his throat. He accepted it with
faith, knowing that it was Dr Cheong's.
Not that it was
Siu Ching's fault. She just wanted to help...
couldn't say that though, for as the burning sensation in his heart subsided,
he drifted into a cool, welcoming sleep.
Lau Heung guided his chi through his blood vessels. Healthier blood cells were
supplying the required oxygen to his healing body. He adjusted his breathing and
tried to focus on that instead of to what just transpired for the last few
days. He succeeded in having nothingness for a few minutes before his mind, his
ever active mind, jumped in again, bringing a recent memory of black and white.
The main colour of Yat Dim Hung's garment as he showed himself, declaring that
he had to take Siu Ching with him. White. Pearly white. The colour of Siu
Ching's dress and her pale face as Fell Cut shoved his sword on her throat.
flashes of light as the assassin attacked him with his famous movements. He
remembered he had dodged all of them, even disarming the sword and thrusting it
into a rock. He then launched bare hand counterattacks as he somersaulted and
back flipped to avoid Dim Hung’s deadly palm strikes that would surely follow
his blocks. Although Dim Hung’s trademark movement was the forehead sword
strike, the assassin also had powerful energies stored on his extremities, such
that avoidance was necessary.
Lingering Fragrance had his chance. He blocked Dim Hung’s rear attack and back-kicked
his old friend’s chest with one foot to destabilise the opponent. However, as the
kick propelled Dim Hung forward, the assassin still found time to retaliate
with a similar kick to Lau Heung’s own chest, causing the latter to gasp as he
staggered backwards. Extremities! Dim Hung’s feet that he wasn’t paying
attention to!
Lau Heung remembered that he had stopped and said that he was lucky to avoid
death from that kick. Dim Hung replied in kind, that he had been too lenient to
himself, and thus this round was Chor’s to have. Lingering Fragrance let his
old friend limped away from the scene before he activated Song Siu Ching. He
then staggered towards Sue and Rosie to activate them before reaching for Sugar
and the brave Inspector Ying. He then remembered darkness for a while before he
found himself in an inn, in his under garment. He then tried to stabilise his
chi, which led to the pill drama, and then to him being in this room at Dr
Cheong’s clinic.
he wondered about Siu Ching. He hadn’t seen the girl for a few days, for Yung
Yung et al always tried to block her access to his room. He did inquire about
her to Sugar the other day, which was a bad move, for the wilful girl just made
a face and shrugged. At least he knew that the mysterious girl was still in the
clinic, for Rosie then said that Siu Ching was attending to Inspector Ying.
Chor smiled and made a note to go out and find the girl himself later if his
sisters were not being cooperative. He then returned to his meditation for a
few minutes before a knock on his door returned him to the present.
in,” he said without opening his eyes. He heard the door open and a girl
walking in. Somehow he knew it was Siu Ching from her walking pattern. He
opened his eyes and, to his relief, found that it was indeed Song Siu Ching,
still in white, approaching him.
tai-gor," said the girl rather timidly. Since when is she a timid girl?
Lingering Fragrance smiled inwardly as Siu Ching tentatively approached him.
"Are you feeling better?"
better," smiled he. She smiled back and sat at the chair next to the bed.
good," she said. "I was almost charged for murder, you know!"
He tilted his head downwards toward her sitting form. She was very petite after
all. "It's all misunderstanding, don't take it to heart."
shook her head and told him that it was what the three girls thought of based
on their misperceptions and prejudice on her. Then she admitted that she was
indeed a wilful, straightforward person who couldn't care less about other
people's opinions. She then rather brazenly asked if he did not like her, to
which he rose from his bed, chuckled and responded that he liked straightforward people, for they
never really intended to hurt you. His
answer seemed to satisfy her. She then asked if he did not find her
for that," he turned to face her cute face and lightly touched her nose.
Twice. " – I think you're lovely when you're annoying."
blushed furiously. He loved seeing her blushing. Then she turned serious again as she
said that Yung Yung, Rosie and Tim Yi (or Sugar as they often called her)
didn't share that opinion. When he said he didn't think that was the case (and
why would the girls be hostile to her anyway?), she threw her arms heavenward
and said that of course he didn't think so, for he was a man after all!
chuckled again but didn't say a thing. Instead, he enjoyed watching the cute,
stubborn, annoying and lovely girl in front of him ranting her frustration for a while before
suddenly becoming subdued. He didn't like it when his Siu Ching became blue like
that. Wait, did he just inwardly claimed she was his??
the matter?" he gently touched her shoulders.
said the girl. What a lie. As a rule of thumb, if a girl looks sad but she says
it's nothing, it means a lot of things. But he gave her time to compose
herself. She finally, again timidly, asked if she could request him something. He said yes, though he wondered what would the request be.
he heard it. "Can I call you 'Chor tai-gor' once more?"
was totally baffled. "Of course! You can call me that anytime you
want." In fact, he loved it every time Siu Ching called him that, although
the three girls also called him that. He was about to ask what she meant about
it when she indeed call him 'Chor tai-gor'' then cried. He held her shoulders
again and made her facing him.
wrong?" Stop crying please. I
really don't like to see you cry.
her tears, Siu Ching then explained that she still felt guilty about the pill
thing. "But I swear I didn't know it would back fire like that. I swear,
Chor tai-gor..."
Lau Heung shook his head as he embraced her for the first time in his life. Oh
he did embrace her twice beforehand (first was during their first meeting when
he "stole" her wine, second was when he caught her rummaging through
his belongings), but those were without her consent. This time, not only she
didn't object, she actually buried her pretty little head in his embrace.
Lingering Fragrance let her cry until she calmed down. Then he helped her to
sit and poured her some tea (no wine was in the room, they had banned wine for
him until he fully recovered). She sipped the tea and seemed to have calmed a
bit when she remembered to pour him a cup. They then sat down and enjoyed their
tea for a while. They chatted about mundane things until he involuntarily
yawned. Damn the herbal medicine he'd been taking; it made him sleepy! Siu
Ching then rose and said she'd let him sleep then. He smiled.
But I will see you tomorrow?"
quivered for a few seconds before smiling. "Of course. See you tomorrow."
He bid her good night and watched her retreating figure as he felt
grateful that both of them made through the ordeal alive. He really enjoyed the
girl's presence, and if receiving Fell Cut's fatal kick and swallowing the
wrong pill were the prerequisite for being with her, he knew he'd gone through
it again.
he wasn't meant to see her the next morning, or many mornings afterwards. He
was drinking his morning medicine bowl-fed by Rosie when Dr Cheong entered the
dining room. They greeted him in gratitude, sincerely thanking him for his
expertise. Then, Chor Lau Heung remembered how he hadn't seen Inspector Ying
for a while, hence he inquired about the brave inspector. Dr Cheong confirmed
that Mr Ying had recovered and he even had a new pair of hearing-enhancing
silver ears. Lau Heung was about to congratulate Dr Cheong for his expertise
when the kind doctor dropped an unexpected piece of news.
the way, Miss Song left this morning with Mr Ying. She specifically asked me to
tell you to take care."
dropped pin would be heard in the deafening silence afterwards as a void suddenly
formed inside Chor Lau Heung. No
wonder she'd been acting so weird last night...she was planning to leave after
Yi broke the silence by lamenting how they (particularly herself) had been
treating Siu Ching badly, hence her sudden departure. Yung Yung and Rosie also
offered their apology and that they'd chase her and bring her back. Lingering
Fragrance could see that they meant it, that they truly regretted their
hostility towards Siu Ching. But all had been said and done, and nothing they
could do to reverse it.
bother. Since she'd decided to leave, let’s not bother her again," he
said. But he couldn't hide his own disappointment or the feeling of a sudden
loss in his heart.
so sorry, Brother Chor..." Tim Yi's regret brought him back to his
surroundings. He nodded to forgive her. There's nothing else he could do now.
annoying but lovely girl was gone and he didn't know when he'd see her again.
Author’s note:
I really think that Chor tai-gor actually wanted
to reach out for Siu Ching when he failed to balance his chi in that inn room. Of
course he could just be reaching out for anyone, but it’s interesting for me (after
watching CLH’84 for the 3rd time this past few weeks) that he
reached forward where SC was instead of to his right or left where Sugar and
Sue were. And Chor tai-gor also tried to stop the girls bickering despite his
injury. I think he really fell for SC... hard!
Re: Chor tai-gor's and SC’s first embrace, real
embrace, I think it was in ep 20 when she confronted him about distancing
himself from her. After saying how much she just wanted everything to be like
it used to be, she rested her head on his chest. A few seconds later, he
tentatively embraced her. The second one might be in ep 32 when he finally gave
his words that he’d take her to roam the world carefree after reinstating the
Emperor. I’m not sure if the final embrace on the boat was #3, but if it was,
then they didn’t have a lot of embrace in this series. But he did have many
scenes with her when he held her hands/shoulders, so that was good, I suppose...
I decided that I also liked Sue’s original name
(So Yung Yung) and Sugar’s (Sung Tim Yi – or were they Su Yong Yong and So Tim
Yi in Canto? Can’t tell!), but since I still find it hard to catch Rosie’s
original name (other than “Miss Lee”), I decided to keep writing her as “Rosie”.
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