Saturday 10 October 2015

Who Can Change - Fearless Duo 1984 OST

Click this to read this post at my new Jianghu blog.

I haven't seen Michael Miu's and Barbara Yung's Fearless Duo (TVB 1984), but after watching this YouTube and listening to the OST, I just have to see it. FD has a happy ending (unlike the Foundation, which I also want to watch but I fear I will cry buckets of tears), so I will definitely watch it. The OST is titled "Who Can Change" by Alan Tam, and after listening to the song, I can understand why it is Michael Miu's favourite song (and that the series is one of his favourites) and that Alan Tam himself is still the king of Canto pop these days. 

I obtained the lyrics and meaning from Wehaiyo (I modified slightly to streamline it) and the Cantonese Yale pinyin from Feitsui. Enjoy!

誰可改變” (“Who Can Change?”)

sung by  譚詠麟 Alan Tam
Composer: 顧嘉輝
Arranger: 顧嘉輝
Lyricist: 鄭國江

曾經出  (I once spoke out)
chang ging syut cheut
今生不愛你 ([In] This life, [I would] not love you)
gam sang bat oi nei
我共你是 (I, together [with] you, are)
ngo gung nei si
但有份, 沒有緣 (But, having destiny, not having fate)
daan yau fan, mut yau yun

情切是你 (My feelings for you is absolute) 
ching chai si nei
痴痴相戀 (Foolishly, foolishly loving each other)
chi chi seung lyun
將心中愛念 (To take [your] inner thoughts [of] love [and] yearning) 
jeung sam jung oi nim
為我捐 (For me, [you] contribute)
wai ngo gyun

如今我竟 (Nowadays, I unexpectedly)
yu gam ngo ging
竟將心意轉 (unexpectedly take [your] intentions, shifting [it])
ging jeung sam yi jyun
那份愛念 (That love and yearning)
na fan oi nim
沒有盡, 沒有完 (Has no limit, has no finish [end])
mut yau jeun, mut yau yun

輪到你 (When it’s your turn)
leun dou nei
不睬 (you don’t see, don’t notice)
bat chau bat choi
心中的愛念 (your inner thoughts of love and yearning)
sam jung dik oi nim
盡化煙 (Completely changes into smoke)
jeun fa yin
能否改變 (Is it possible to change?)
nang fau goi bin


還想再等 (Still thinking again [to] wait)
waan seung joi dang
沒法息愛念 (I can’t do anything to stop loving and yearning for you)
mut faat sik oi nim
但偏偏你 (But, slanting, slanting [contrary to expectations], you)
daan pin pin nei
回頭也倦 (Turn your head, also weary)
wui tau ya gyun
煩惱是我 (Distressed am I)
faan nou si ngo
流淚更無言 (Shedding tears, silently)
lau leui gang mou yin
情逝去不再留半點 (Feelings elapse, no longer retaining the least bit)
ching sai heui bat joi lau bun dim

誰可以將 (Who, by means of, [can] take)
seui ho yi jeung
將光陰倒轉 (Take the time available and reverse it)
jeung gwong yam dou jyun
再讓往日 (To again, let former days)
joi yeung wong yat
復現眼前 (Reappear before my eyes)
fuk yin ngaan chin

能再共你 (To be able to, again, together with you)
nang joi gung nei
漫步田園 (Strolling through fields and gardens)
maan bou tin yun
心中的愛念 ([my] inner thoughts of love [and] yearning)
sam jung dik oi nim wai nei hin
為你牽 (For you [to] control)
kau ho goi bin

[Repeat from *** until the end as follows:]

輪到你 (When it’s your turn)
leun dou nei
不睬 (you don’t see, don’t notice)
bat chau bat choi
心中的愛念 (your inner thoughts of love and yearning)
sam jung dik oi nim
盡化煙 (Completely changes into smoke)
jeun fa yin
能否改變 (Is it possible to change?)
nang fau goi bin


還想再等 (Still thinking again [to] wait)
waan seung joi dang
沒法息愛念 (I can’t do anything to stop loving and yearning for you)
mut faat sik oi nim
但偏偏你 (But, slanting, slanting [contrary to expectations], you)
daan pin pin nei
回頭也倦 (Turn your head, also weary)
wui tau ya gyun
煩惱是我 (Distressed am I)
faan nou si ngo
流淚更無言 (Shedding tears, silently)
lau leui gang mou yin
情逝去不再留半點 (Feelings elapse, no longer retaining the least bit)
ching sai heui bat joi lau bun dim

誰可以將 (Who, by means of, [can] take)
seui ho yi jeung
將光陰倒轉 (Take the time available and reverse it)
jeung gwong yam dou jyun
再讓往日 (To again, let former days)
joi yeung wong yat
復現眼前 (Reappear before my eyes)
fuk yin ngaan chin

能再共你 (To be able to, again, together with you)
nang joi gung nei
漫步田園 (Strolling through fields and gardens)
maan bou tin yun
心中的愛念 ([my] inner thoughts of love [and] yearning)
sam jung dik oi nim wai nei hin
為你牽 (For you [to] control)

kau ho goi bin


Anonymous said...

i just finished watching this series...besides all the black magic mumbo jumbo..the love story of Barbara and Michael is the best.
And who can forget that Alan Tam OST..cant get it out of my head

Fan of Yung Mei Ling.

Icha said...

Hi Fan of YML... yeah, I love the love story of Szeto Man Mo and Lam Chor-yin there... so beautiful and there's a tinge of sadness too there... And yes I agree that Alan Tam OST is one of the best OSTs I know. Not just in the 80s, but even now, it has become a classic...

By the way, I have more Yung Mei-ling coverage in my new blog if you'd like to check:

see you there, I hope.